Psychological services division
Providing psychological tests and behavioral therapy for children suffering from the following disorders, by a clinical psychologist licensed by the Ministry of Health and holding a PhD in clinical psychology
- Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, ADHD (characterized by excessive activity that exceeds the normal limit for the child, in conjunction with the appearance of the inability to focus. It usually occurs when the child reaches 3 years old)
- Autism spectrum disorder that usually occurs before the child reaches 3 years old. Among its manifestations are a lack of communication skills, language, isolation from the social environment in a large way, the difficulty of communication with him on the part of the family or parents in addition to the presence of other sensory and behavioral disorders and a lack of basic learning skills
- Obsessive-compulsive disorder (where the child feels that he is always targeted by others and cannot think positively because of an internal urgency or defect or a problem that does not separate him. Obsessive-compulsive disorder appears when the child reaches the age of six)
- Depression (the child always feels very sad and sadness becomes a characteristic attached to him and his daily behaviors as well as isolation from others and may develop into his attempt to harm him himself, and the emergence of his desire to commit suicide. These symptoms appear before the age of six)
- phobia or pathological fear (such as severe and excessive fear of closed spaces, fear of elevated places, and appear to the child at the age of six}
- Anxiety and social phobia in children {where the child feel very anxious, and the fear of him facing people or his classmates. It appears after the age of six}
Applied Behavior Analysis
Applied Behavior Analysis, sometimes referred to as ABA, is the science in which tactics or strategies derived from the principles of behavior are systematically applied to improve socially significant behavior to a meaningful degree (Cooper et al., 1987). ABA offers a practical framework for addressing the challenges faced by many learners and their families. Years of peer-reviewed, clinical research has shown ABA to be effective in teaching a variety of skills where other methods have shown limited success, including language, social skills and a variety of academic skills. ABA methodologies also have a long history of successful treatment and management of challenging problematic behaviors.
For children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders, methodologies based on the principles of ABA have demonstrated significantly positive effects. These results, first demonstrated by O. Ivar Lovaas at the UCLA Autism Project (1987), have been replicated throughout the past three decades and broadened to include positive outcomes for children with a variety of learning and behavioral challenges in a variety of settings. This has been particularly welcome given the slow progress and lack of effective treatment options for children diagnosed on the autism spectrum. In fact, ABA is the only treatment option that has been empirically validated for children with autism (Schreibman, 2005).
The application of ABA to educational programming, sometimes referred to as Behavioral Education (Skinner, 2004), results in an individualized, intensive instructional program designed to meet the global challenges of children and families with autism spectrum disorders and other developmental disabilities. Driven by behavioral assessment strategies, behavioral programming results in the design of a carefully constructed learning environment capable of successfully teaching a range of functional outcomes, and continuous data-based evaluation of this environment to assure that learning outcomes have been achieved.
The Jeddah Institute for Speech and Hearing now offers individualized services in Applied Behavior Analysis. All assessment and service delivery are conducted on-site, with recommendations and program development conducted by a Board-Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA©).
Service delivery includes a range of options, including:
Behavioral Assessment:
The purpose of behavioral assessment is to gather sufficient information about the child’s skill levels in a broad range of developmental domains in order to design an individualized, intensive behavioral program. Information is also gathered on behavior impeding learning in order to develop a behavior support plan to facilitate more productive and successful learning. Assessment is conducted by a Board-Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA©) with assistance from trained ABA Therapists. Structured behavioral assessment tools, such as the Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills (ABLLS-R) created by Partington and the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales-II (Sparrow, 2007) are utilized to document performance levels and determine recommended target skills. Comprehensive social skills assessment and assessment of interfering problem behavior is also conducted using a variety of structured tools, direct observation, and functional assessment/ analysis strategies. Behavioral assessment includes 5-10 hours of direct and indirect assessment and the time required to develop an intensive, individualized program (usually 10 – 15 hours). The outcome of behavioral assessment is a comprehensive, written summary of a child’s performance levels, recommendations for programming content, and the development of a complete behavioral program tailored to a child’s specific needs.
Intensive Behavioral Programming:
Behavioral education services are provided on-site at JISH for individuals who have been recommended for such services by their treatment team, including their Speech Language Pathologist, parents, and Behavioral Consultation providers. Intensive programming involves daily instruction utilizing the principles of ABA and the individualized programs developed as a result of Behavioral Assessment. Instruction may occur for a range of 10 – 20 hours weekly. Programming is provided by ABA Therapists, who are directly supervised on a daily basis by a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA©). Intensive programming may involve instruction in a variety of skill domains, including language, personal care routines (such as toilet-training, dressing, or eating), academics (include reading and math instruction), cognition, motor, and social/ play skills. Evidence-based behavioral technologies, including antecedent control strategies, reinforcement strategies, shaping, chaining, and incidental teaching are among the strategies utilized. Evidence-based learning models, such as direct instruction, may also be recommended as a component of programming. Strategies for promoting generalization are included in program planning to assure the generality of behavior change. Programming includes daily monitoring via direct measurement of performance by the ABA Therapist with reliability measures taken by the BCBA. Weekly data review is conducted by the BCBA and program changes are made based on review of objective data.
Progress reporting:
Monthly progress reports with data display and analysis are provided to families of any child receiving intensive behavioral programming
Training and on-going consultation:
On-going training is provided to family members and school-based providers for any child receiving intensive behavioral services. Training and on-going consultation is provided on-site, at JISH.
Since its establishment, the Jeddah Center for Speech and Hearing & Medical Rehabilitation has endeavored to apply the latest treatment programs used in Western countries such as the United States of America and Canada and proven successful with scientific evidence and evidence, and that the center’s specialists and specialists obtain international accreditation or a certificate of merit that qualifies them to apply these programs in the various clinics of the center. Among the most prominent treatment programs implemented by the center are the following
Aural re/habilitation is an integral part of the treatment of hearing loss. There is no doubt that using the right hearing device is essential for the patient. But the hearing-impaired child needs more than a hearing aid in order to be able to listen and achieve his maximum communicative potential. Re/habilitation is vital especially for children who have lost their hearing before the language acquisition stage.
Aural Re/habilitation (AR) is a specialized intervention aimed to minimize and ease the communication difficulties associated with hearing loss. AR focuses on providing therapy sessions to maximize child’s communication abilities through training the child and teaching parents the appropriate strategies and techniques needed to help their child develop communication skills through listening. The therapy includes helping children develop listening and language skills, communication strategies training, intervention related to speech, language and academic achievement. Children’s family members and teachers may also receive services under the umbrella of the AR plan.
What is LSLS certification?
LSLS (Listening, Speech and Language Specialist) certified professionals are licensed audiologists, speech-language pathologists or educators of the deaf who have voluntarily attained a high-level of specialty education and experience in listening and spoken language theory and practice.
The foundation of the Auditory-Verbal approach is that, with the use of hearing aids or a cochlear implant, hearing impaired children can learn to listen and understand spoken language in order to communicate through speech. … Thus, the Auditory-Verbal approach is a parent-oriented approach.
AVT is a parent centered therapy technique that encourage the use of naturalistic conversation and the use of spoken language to communicate. AVT is an approach that emphasizes the use of residual hearing to help children learn to listen, process verbal language, and to speak.